Self Evaluation Paper


You will need to answer the three following questions honestly, thoroughly and thoughtfully. The self-­‐evaluation must be typed, double-­‐spaced, 10-­‐12” font, with a 1” margin and 3-­‐4 pages in length.  Begin with an opening statement, write your content in a clear, succinct manner, and end with a concluding statement.    Describe the major learning events related to course content/information you learned in this class. Identify a career path in Health and Human Performance that you are most interested in at this point in your education.  Specifically, what is your background in this career-path and what are your future goals. What could you have done yourself to improve your efforts/learning during this semester for this class? The purpose of this class is to introduce you, the student to the field of Kinesiology – the science of human movement. Concepts in the various subfields of Kinesiology are examined and career opportunities are explored. Textbook Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport,


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