Career/ Police officer


The points for this assignment are included in this assessment listed in the Syllabus:
15% Credit for projects, presentations, and/or an essay emphasizing both writing for and/or about the workplace. This 15% credit may be divided in among various assignments or projects as the professor sees fit.

 Read The Practiced Writer textbook: Chapter 9.

Refer to The Practiced Writer textbook: Chapter 7, 10, 11, and 12.
 Refer to the Course Pages: “Grammar Review Guide,” “Essay Review Notes,” and “Essay Writing Requirements and Rubric.”

Workplace PowerPoint (150 points)

DIRECTIONS: Take the Career that you wrote about and researched in Essay #3 and incorporate the information and quotes into a PowerPoint Presentation. You will not be able to include all of the information in the essay; therefore, choose the most important, informative, and interesting information for the PowerPoint. Include at least one slide that answers each of the topics listed under the Essay #3 Topic Requirements: overview, history, background, education, training, skills, and experience needed, communication skills needed, pay scale, and the growth and future of the career. You will continue using the documentation style used in Essay #3—either MLA or APA—in the PowerPoint. Be sure to cite all quotes using MLA or APA and include a Works Cited or References on the last page (s) of the PowerPoint. Your presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides not counting the Works Cited or References slides. You need to include Visual Argument (see below) including at least ONE Video.

Visual Argument: Incorporate into the PowerPoint at least FIVE forms of Visual Argument Media relevant to the PowerPoint Topic—suggested Media include the following: hyperlink to a web page, image, video, or graph (Internet resources are allowed for the Media). Include at least ONE Video. Be sure to include an MLA or APA citation for the Media within the PowerPoint (after the Media) and an MLA Works Cited or APA Reference page entry for each of the Medias. Refer to The Practiced Writer Chapter 7.

Rubric: Your PowerPoint should be visually pleasing so use a consistent background, font, colors, etc. Do not use too big or too small of font. Imagine that you are showing this PowerPoint in a classroom. Each slide can include written information and one form of Media, but do not use too much written information on each slide (one paragraph should be enough for the written information on each slide) or use too many Medias on each slide. The PowerPoint will be graded as follows: 5 points for each slide (10 slides x 10 points = 100 points) and 10 points for each Media including at least one video (5 media x 10 points =50 points). Total = 150 points.

Submit the PowerPoint to “Submit Assignment” (the blue button at the top of the page).

Students may upload their PowerPoint presentation to “Workplace PowerPoint Discussion Posting.” This is NOT REQUIRED, but your classmates might like to see your presentation and learn about your career.

Helpful Information:

You MUST include a video within your presentation. Directions on how to insert a youtube video into your PowerPoint.

Consult suggestions 1-5 of the following link that provides brief and general guidelines for PowerPoint construction and watch the video below. Click here for the link to PPT Guide.


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